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March 20-24, 2006: Fourth Term Begins!

Monday, March 20

  • "Quality Teaching Day": No School for Students
  • 10:00 A.M.: Meeting with USU Crew

Tuesday, March 21: Fourth Term Begins!

  • Welcome to the Beginning of the End!
  • Hall Passes/AR Contracts/etc.
  • Journal #1: Well, this is it! The beginning of the end of junior high. How does it feel? What are your plans for the final term? (90 words)
  • Fahrenheit 451
    The River and the Tracks (pp. 139-145)
    Granger and the Books (pp. 145-155)
  • Permission Form for Computer Poetry Game due tomorrow!

Wednesday, March 22

  • Permission Form for Computer Poetry Game due!
  • Fahrenheit 451
    Montag Finally Remembers (pp. 155-160)
    Starting Over (pp. 160-165)
  • Journal #2: Using short quotations from the novel, create a character web for Montag as he appears in the final section of the novel.
  • Finish Study Guide: It's due tomorrow!

Thursday, March 23

  • Fahrenheit 451: Study Guide Due
  • Into the Fire: Montag's character change as represented by fire imagery

Friday, March 24

March 27-31, 2006

Monday, March 27

Tuesday, March 28

Wednesday, March 29

Thursday, March 30

  • Voices of Spoon River: Poetry Project
  • 3rd, 4th, 5th: Computer Lab
    • Play Voices of Spoon River
  • 6th & 7th: Poetic Elements in Spoon River

Friday, March 31

April 3-7, 2006: Poe-try week

Monday, April 3: Poetic Epitaph Final Draft due!

  • New Seats: Choose your own...with an eye to your own citizenship grade
  • Journal #3: What did you think about the game last week? (90 words)
  • Return F451 Tests & Study Guides
  • Poe-cabulary
  • Read The Raven
    Translate The Raven
    The Raven Study Questions due Wednesday!

Tuesday, April 4: Computer Lab 138

Wednesday, April 5: Student of the Month: Kyle Flanders

  • Journal #4: What are your thoughts on poetry? (100 words)
  • The Raven Study Questions due!
  • Read "The Cask of Amontillado"

Thursday, April 6

Friday, April 7: AR Contracts due!

  • Finish Video
  • Textbook Poe: Informational Text (pp. 183-190)
    Assignment: Pages 191 & 192 (In class)

April 10-14: Spring Break

Monday, April 10

Tuesday, April 11

Wednesday, April 12

Thursday, April 13

Friday, April 14

April 17-21, 2006

Monday, April 17: Computer Lab 137

  • Review Poe Readings in Online Textbook (pp. 183-190)
  • Complete/Review Online "Test Practice" (p.191)
  • Go to "View Assignments" and take online quiz on textbook readings.
  • Write a few paragraphs in answer to the Contrstucted Response on page 192.
  • Type it. Save it. Print it. Turn it in.

Tuesday, April 18

  • A Final Day of Poe
  • Journal #5: Scary Things! What scares you? Is fear the same as worry? Do you like scary movies? Discuss fear. (100 words)
  • "The Tell-Tale Heart"
  • "Heavy Metal" (Poe Satire)

Wednesday, April 19: Miss Passey is in the House!

  • Journal #6: If you could change anything about yourself, what would you change? Why? Discuss your best and worst qualities. (90 words)
  • CRT Cells Review + In-class Assignment
  • Assignment (Due Friday): Create a brochure that will teach the class about the word "cell" you have been assigned. Include as many sample words (in which the "cell" is used) as you can find. Make it neat. Be creative!
    Extra credit will be awarded for escpecially creative, artistic, or fancy brochures.

Thursday, April 20

  • Journal #7: Write a story or short essay of at least 80 words that includes at least ten of the "word cells" from yesterday's list.
  • CRT Review: Writing Notes
  • Organizational Patterns: Pages 359-363 in Language Text
  • Assignment (in journal): Exercise 5 & Review A on pages 362-363

Friday, April 21: "Cell" Brochure due!

  • Journal #8: What is "normal"? Describe a "normal" teenager. (90 Words)
  • Return/Review "Cell" Assignment (from Wednesday)
  • Abbey's Request: Note Writing

April 24-28

Monday, April 24

  • Stargirl: Chapters 1 & 2
  • Journal #9: If this school had a show like Hot Seat, which three students would you want to see on it? Why? (90 words)
  • Read Chapters 3-5

Tuesday, April 25: Computer Lab 137 (Midterm)

Wednesday, April 26

  • Review Organizational Patterns of Writing: Chronological Order
  • Stargirl: Read through Chapter 6
  • Journal #1: Describe an adult other than a parent who has been an advisor to you during a difficult or frustrating time. What qualities are necessary in such an advisor? Discuss. (90 words)
  • Stargirl: Read Chapter 7

Thursday, April 27

  • Stargirl Study Question (in journal): "Keep looking at her long enough. One day you might see someone you know." Who? Explain this quotation from page 35.
  • Read Chapter 8
  • Study Question (in journal): "But we also gave something to ourselves." What? Explain this quotation from page 39.
  • Review Organizational Patterns of Writing: Order of Importance

Friday, April 28

  • Jorunal #2: If, like Stargirl, you decided to change your name to something more descriptive of who and what you are, what would your new name be? Why? Explain. (90 words)
  • Stargirl: Read Chapters 9-12
  • Pop Quiz: Vocabulary Set #1: hoax, nonconformity, saguaro, balk, paleontologist, orate

May 1-5, 2006

Monday, May 1

  • Review Organizational Patterns of Writing: Comparison & Contrast
  • Stargirl: (Finish Chapter 12 &) Read Chapter 13
  • Journal #3: Do you think the Hot Seat interview with Stargirl should be aired? Why or why not? If you were the "victim" on Hot Seat, what would be the three most embarrassing questions you could be asked? Explain.

Tuesday, May 2

  • Stargirl: Read Chapter 14
  • Pop Quiz: Vocabulary Set #2: amorphous, inquisition, spiel, impromptu, raucous, ferocity
  • Read Chapters 15 & 16
  • Study Question #3 (in journal): "She was the opposite of cool; she held nothing back." Explain this statement from page 78

Wednesday, May 3

  • Assignment: Write a well-structured paragraph that compares and contrasts Stargirl and Hillari Kimball. Include a clear topic sentence, specific examples, and a conclusion statement. Structure your paragraph using either the point-by-point technique or the block technique.
  • Stargirl: Read Chapter 17
  • Journal #4: Make a list of the pros and cons of having Stargirl as a friend. Would you want her as a friend? Why or why not? (80 words)

Thursday, May 4

  • "The Way to Start a Day" by Byrd Baylor
  • Read Chapter 18
  • Study Question #4 (in journal): If the events of the novel Stargirl (up to page 99) happened at this school, which of the characters in the story would you be? Explain.
  • Review Organizational Patterns of Writing: Cause & Effect

Friday, May 5

  • Stargirl: Read Chapters 19-21
  • Pop Quiz: Vocabulary Set #3: mica, ocotillo, serene (serenity), derelict, rapture, facetious
  • Assignment: "The Way to Start a _____________" Poem (Write your own based on the model.)
  • Weekend Assignment: Observe someone closely (and quietly) for at least 15 minutes. Pay attention to the small details that you wouldn't usually notice in the course of your busy life. Remember what you observe and reflect on how focused observation is different than what we usually do.
  • 20 days to go....

May 8-12, 2006

Monday, May 8: Happy Birthday Mrs. T (and Kris...and Kelsey)!

  • Journal # 5: What interesting things did you notice in your weekend observation? What conclusions can you draw about the person you observed? Were you sympathetic or critical in your observations? Why?
  • Stargirl: Read Chapter 22
  • Study Question #5: How many pebbles are in your happy wagon today? Why?
  • Read Chapters 23 & 24

Tuesday, May 9

  • "The Way to Start a _________" Poem due!
  • Study Question #6 (p. 126): "I never realized how much I needed the attention of others to confirm my own presence." Is this true? Do we need such attention? Why?
  • Review all Organizational Patterns
  • Stargirl: Read Chapters 25-26

Wednesday, May 10: Computer Lab 137

  • UTIPS: Ninth Grade CRT Practice Test (in class)
  • Extra Credit: Between now and next Monday, you may earn extra credit by scoring 70% or higher on Extra Credit CRT Practice 1 & 2. You can do one or both; obviously you get more extra credit if you do them both, but it will take a lot more time. Each test could take as long as an hour.

Thursday, May 11

  • Journal #6: Compare/Contrast Stargirl and Susan. Which character do you like more? Why? (90 words)
  • Stargirl: Read Chapters 27-31

Friday, May 12

  • Study Question #7 (p.170): " came to them in small sensations that they were more alone than she was." How? Explain this.
  • Finish Stargirl
  • Vocab. Quiz Set #4: disparage, festooned, moa, jostling, gander, preamble
  • Very Important: Don't be absent next week!

May 15-19, 2006: English CRT Week

Monday, May 15

  • State-Mandated End-of-Level Criterion-Referenced Test
    (Man, that was a mouthful!)

Tuesday, May 16

  • State-Mandated End-of-Level Criterion-Referenced Test
    (Utah Performance Assessment System for Students: U-PASS)

Wednesday, May 17

  • State-Mandated End-of-Level Criterion-Referenced Test
    (U-PASS: Think the hyphen is in the wrong place?)

Thursday, May 18

  • State-Mandated Criterion-Referenced End-of-Level Test
  • Silent Reading/AR Tests

Friday, May 19

  • Journal #7: How do you think you did on the CRT EOL?
  • Assignment: Find an inspirational poem to share with classmates.
  • 10 days to go...

May 22-26, 2006

Monday, May 22

  • Journal #8: What is your favorite game? Why? If a game is dangerous, can it still be fun? Explain. (75 words)
  • Massive Purple Text: "The Most Dangerous Game"

Tuesday, May 23: Computer Lab 137

Wednesday, May 24

  • Massive Purple Text: Finish "The Most Dangerous Game"
  • Journal #9: If you were casting a film adaptation of "The Most Dangerous Game," which well known actors would you try to get to play the main roles? Why?
  • "The Seven Ages of Man": Don't forget your poem Friday!

Thursday, May 25: Falcon Finale (7:00 P.M.)

  • Massive Purple Text: The Cool Stuff
  • "A Sound of Thunder"

Friday, May 26: Locker Cleanout

  • Assignment Due: Poem to Share with Class
  • Assignment Due: Letter to the Future
  • Journal #10: Read the journal you wrote on January 17th. What changed? Did you accomplish what you set out to do? Will you miss the 9th grade?
  • Share Poems

May 29-June 2, 2006

Monday, May 29: Memorial Day

Tuesday, May 30: AR Points Due!

  • Epitaph: George Grey (Don't be one!)
  • Write an epitaph for your ninth grade year.
  • Sign my yearbook...again....

Wednesday, May 31: Ninth Grade Dance (7:00 P.M.)

  • The Final Journal: Write a letter to yourself in ten years. Keep the journal until then and read it. Then write me a letter or an e-mail to tell me if things turned out as you planned.
  • Final Conference with Thompson: Journals, Grades, Tearful Goodbyes...

Thursday, June 1: Lagoon Day

  • Thompson Turns 40!

Friday, June 2: Yearbook Day

  • Last day...
  • Sign my yearbook!
  • Have a super summer!
  • Stay in touch!

"Did I miss anything?" This is the most annoying question students who have been absent can ask. My usual sarcastic reply is something like this: "Oh, heck no! We knew you were gone, so we just sat around all day and looked at each other. You don't really think I'm going to assign work on a day you're not here, do you?" So, in order to keep everyone (students and their parents) apprised of what exactly is going on each day in class, I am going to put it here. Check back often!

We have made every reasonable attempt to insure that our web pages are educationally sound and do not contain links to any questionable material or anything that can be deemed in violation of the DSD Acceptable Use Policy. We have also made every effort to insure that our web pages are free of personality, character, or any other small uniqueness that students might enjoy.
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