Subject Quiz

A.  Read the sentence and find the subject. (Don't write anything down; just do it in your mind.)

B.  Check your answer: click and drag the mouse cursor over the "answer >>>   <<<" prompt below the sentence; the correct answer will be highlighted between the arrows.

C.  If you are correct, proceed to the next question. If you miss it, try to figure out why. Return to previous page for help if necessary.


1.  Elizabeth ran from her house to the store.
answer >>>    Elizabeth    <<<

2.  Because he was so talented, Roderick won the trophy.
answer >>>    Roderick    <<<

3.  Whenever the opportunity arises, I eat ice cream. 
answer >>>    I    <<<

4.  Kathryn will finish her assignment tomorrow. 
answer >>>    Kathryn    <<<

5.  Rex could have been sleeping, but he was playing instead. 
answer >>>    Rex    <<<

6.  Mary gave Jim some eggs because he was hungry.
answer >>>    Mary    <<<

7.  Even though she can be quite contrary, Mary isn't that way all the time.
answer >>>    Mary    <<<

8.  If you think you are ready, you can move on to the next topic.
answer >>>    you
...the one right after the comma!   <<<

9.  Stop that!
answer >>>    You's the implied subject.  Did you get it?    <<<

10.  Amanda, Rachael, and Ruth are good friends.
answer >>>    Amanda, Rachael, and Ruth    <<<

So, how did you do?  Are you ready to move on to the next topic? 

If so, let's talk about sentences

To learn more about subjects, check out the Subject Resources.

Verbs Subjects Sentences Conjunctions Comma Rules

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Last content update: 04/15/02
Last format update: 12/6/17