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November 1-5, 2010: Welcome to Term 2!

Monday, November 1: A Day
Tuesday, November 2: B Day

  • Seats: Choose new ones! (Aren't you ready for a new outlook?)
  • Journal #2 -- Copy this into your journal in your neatest handwriting:
    "The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dogs."
    Describe your handwriting? Do you think it is a reflection of your abilities or intelligence? Is handwriting important in a world in which keyboards and keypads seem to be the predominant forms of text generation? What good does it do to have legible or very fancy handwriting? Is handwriting a lost art? Discuss handwriting.
  • Hall Passes & Review of Things You Should Still Keep
    (plus one more on conventions!)
  • Mythology Research
  • Myth Wiki due November 19
  • Lecture: Review of Heroes & Other Significant Characters of Mythology
    (Look for points of comparison with your own research topic!)
  • What common themes seem to recur in many different stories?
  • Required Genre: Research Writing (What does it mean?)
  • Sample Papers to get you thinkin'
  • Essential Questions & Thesis Statements
  • Fill-in-the-Blank Thesis: One way the myth of __________________ is similar to other myths is _____________________________.
  • Write Now: Explain your reasons. Refer to both myths to proove what you've claimed. (At least one paragraph! Turn in today!)
  • Word Cells List #3: Vocabulary Activity (Quiz November 9/10!)
  • Grammar Punk: Comma Rule #7 (Topic: Mythological Heroes)
    Use a comma to set off a phrase at the end of a sentence that refers back to the beginning or middle of the sentence or that indicates a distinct pause or shift.
    (Now let's put some on the Wiki!)

Wednesday, November 3: A Day
Thursday, November 4: B Day

Friday, November 5: A Day

  • Begin The Odyssey
  • Homer's Prayer to the Muse (MPT, p. 651)
    • How to read epic poetry: To the punctuation, not line-to-line
    • Do you understand it? Can you summarize it?
    • Why would Homer try to tell a story this long with poetry?
    • If it's poetry, why doesn't it rhyme?
  • Calypso, The Sweet Nymph (pp. 651-654)
  • Journal #4: Listen to the song "Calypso" by Suzanne Vega (lyrics on page 655). What is the tone of the song? Does it help you understand the story? What does it tell you that the song was inspired by a story that is more than 3000 years old? What timeless themes are addressed? (100+)
  • The Odyssey: I am Laertes' Son, The Lotus Eaters (pp. 655-659)
  • Comprehension Check
    Passage Summary (pp. 651-659)
  • Grammar Punk Rock: Parts of Speech
    • Adjective
    • Verb
    • Adverb
  • Epithets: Read page 715 in The Massive Purple Text. Write suitable descriptive epithets for ten people you know, including yourself.

November 8-12, 2010

Monday, November 8: B Day

  • Begin The Odyssey
  • Homer's Prayer to the Muse (MPT, p. 651)
    • How to read epic poetry: To the punctuation, not line-to-line
    • Do you understand it? Can you summarize it?
    • Why would Homer try to tell a story this long with poetry?
    • If it's poetry, why doesn't it rhyme?
  • Calypso, The Sweet Nymph (pp. 651-654)
  • Journal #4: Listen to the song "Calypso" by Suzanne Vega (lyrics on page 655). What is the tone of the song? Does it help you understand the story? What does it tell you that the song was inspired by a story that is more than 3000 years old? What timeless themes are addressed? (100+)
  • The Odyssey: I am Laertes' Son, The Lotus Eaters (pp. 655-659)
  • Comprehension Check (all together
    Passage Summary (pp. 651-659)
  • Grammar Punk Rock: Parts of Speech
    • Adjective
    • Verb
    • Adverb
  • Epithets: Read page 715 in The Massive Purple Text. Write suitable descriptive epithets for ten people you know, including yourself.

Tuesday, November 9: A Day
Wednesday, November 10: B Day

Thursday, November 11: A Day
Friday, November 12: B Day

  • Neologolusion Assignment Due: Share the best on the Wiktionary
  • The Odyssey: Passage Analysis Assignment (Individual)
    • Pick a card to determine your assignment. (Note it on your assignment.)
    • Individually, read your assigned passage and fill out the Passage Analysis. (It's on the back of the one we did all together.)
  • Journal #5: Topic #5
  • Finish Epithets: Read page 715 in The Massive Purple Text. Write suitable descriptive epithets for ten people you know, including yourself.
  • How's your Myth Wiki? (Check it this weekend! Be ready for our lab day next week! Look at the scoring rubric.)

November 15-19, 2010

Monday, November 15: A Day
Tuesday, November 16: B Day

  • Computer Lab: Last Time Before Myth Wiki is Due!
  • Research Paragraphs: Build the Essay! (1st-7th)
  • Parenthetical Documentation/Works Cited
  • See Scoring Rubric
  • Bored? Wasting time? Update your Shelfari shelf!
  • Midterm Reading Check is coming!

Wednesday, November 17: A Day (Reality Town: Oh Joy!)
Thursday, November 18: B Day (TSO)

Friday, November 19: A Day

  • Presentations of Wikis/Evaluations
  • Journal #6: What happened on Wednesday? (Reality Town/Job Skills Day)

November 22-26, 2010

Monday, November 22: B Day

  • Journal #6: What happened last Wednesday (Reality Town/Job Skills Day)?
  • Story Time: ESL Hell and Access Denied
  • Presentations of Myth Wikis & Evaluations

Tuesday, November 23: A Day

Wednesday, November 24: Myth Wiki Locked/Final Scores

  • Thanksgiving Recess: No School

Thursday, November 25

  • Thanksgiving Recess: No School

Friday, November 26

  • Thanksgiving Recess: No School

November 29 - December 3, 2010

Monday, November 29: B Day

Tuesday, November 30: A Day
Wednesday, December 1: B Day

Thursday, December 2: A Day
Friday, December 3: B Day

  • Midterm Reading Evaluation/Book Talks:
    Have this handout filled out (with 2 questions answered on the back) and bring a copy of the book you want to talk about.
  • Mythology Test: Bring your notes and a pencil!
  • Finish the Grammar Punk: Odyssey Review Assignment (Writing Notebook)
    On the next new page in your Writing Notebook, make a heading and leave a couple lines for each section of The Odyssey. Roll the bones for each section and copy the dice requirements next to the heading. Write one sentence for each section that meets the dice requirements for that section. Make sure you use all seven comma rules at least once each. You will need your Grammar Punk reference pages and Grammar Punk Rock Parts of Speech Review.
  • Today is Midterm!

December 6-10, 2010

Monday, December 6: A Day
Tuesday, December 7: B (5th Period -- Lab 137 for Survey)

  • Grammar Punk: Odyssey Review Assignment: Finish/Wiki it!
  • Word Cells List #4: Dictionary Activity + Neologulusion (4 new words)
    (Assignment due next time! Quiz next week!)
    (Prefix/Suffix Resource)
    By now, you should be able to figure out many of the "literal definitions" by combining the meanings of the word cells you have learned so far. Example: You already know that -meter- means measure, and on this new list you have the cell -therm-, which means heat; therefore, a thermometer is something that measures heat. Since it is a thing, it must be a noun. Get it? You probably don't even need a dictionary to figure this out, right?
  • Begin Odyssey Movie & Study Guide

Wednesday, December 8: A
Thursday, December 9: B

  • Word Cells List #4 assignment due: This and this!
  • Journal #1: Copy one of the first three stanzas of "Ithaca" (p. 711, MPT) into your Writing Notebook. Then copy the final stanza. Consider the symbolism. What is your Ithaca?
    (Here is a Recitation of the poem with video.)
  • Continue Odyssey Movie & Study Guide

Friday, December 10: A

  • Quality Control: Copy one of your nine correctly punctuated Odyssey Review sentences onto a slip of paper and turn it in with your name on it.
  • Article of the Week Intro: "The Internet is Spying on You!"
  • Close Reading: Read with a pencil in hand and annotate the text:
    • Underline key words/phrases, anything that strikes you as surprising or significant, or anything that raises questions.
    • Make notes in the margins: Write the comments you have in response to the text.
    • Write questions about what you don't understand, especially "how" and "why" questions.
    • Write a response in your Writing Notebook.
  • Almost finish Odyssey Movie
  • Study Word Cells List #4: Quiz next time!

December 13-17, 2010

Monday, December 13: B

  • Optional Mythology Research Assignment due Today!
  • Quality Control: Copy one of your nine correctly punctuated Odyssey Review sentences onto a slip of paper and turn it in with your name on it.
  • Article of the Week Intro: "The Internet is Spying on You!"
  • Close Reading: Read with a pencil in hand and annotate the text:
    • Underline key words/phrases, anything that strikes you as surprising or significant, or anything that raises questions.
    • Make notes in the margins: Write the comments you have in response to the text.
    • Write questions about what you don't understand, especially "how" and "why" questions.
    • Write a response in your Writing Notebook.
  • Almost finish Odyssey Movie
  • Study Word Cells List #4: Quiz next time!

Tuesday, December 14: A
Wednesday, December 15: B

  • Word Cells List #4 Quiz
  • Finish Odyssey Movie
  • Movie Review: In your Writing Notebook, write a brief review of the movie. Include not only your opinions about the quality of the film, but also an explanation of how it helped you understand the written poem.
  • Heroes (MPT, pp. 718-724): Introduction to Persuasive Writing (Argument)
  • Test Practice: p. 724 (5 questions)
  • GP Semicolon Rule #1: Use a semicolon to join independent clauses.

Thursday, December 16: A
Friday, December 17: B (Assembly Schedule: 60-minute classes)

  • Voice Lessons:
  • Voice in Kid Lit
  • Voice in a Research Paper
  • Strong Voice in a Blog
  • And now for what NOT to do: Meet Bubba! (voice of the voiceless)
  • Journal #2: Write something with powerful voice. (100+ words)
  • Setting/Voice Sentences (The Last Assignment of the Year!)
  • Roll the bones! (Grammar Punk dice).
  • Select a setting (from the list on the board).
  • Write three (3) sentences that take place in that setting and that fulfill the dice requirements, but write each sentence in a different voice.
    (List of voice options is also on the board.)
  • Annotate the sentences to show that you've actually met the dice requirements, and identify which Grammar Punk-tuation rule you've used.
  • Lookin' for some extra credit before the end of the term?
  • Happy Holidays!

January 3-7, 2011

Monday, January 3: A
Tuesday, January 4: B

  • Journal #3: How was the break? What did you do? Was it restful and joyous? Frantic and crazy? Are you glad to be back? Discuss. (100+)
  • New Year's Resolutions: What are yours?
  • Voice Lessons: Restaurant Reviews! (Can you "hear" the voice? How would you describe the voice in each review? Why? What creates the voice? How does the voice help persuade you?)
  • Voice & Word Choice: Connotations of Words (I/You/S/he Combos)
  • Create and write ten of your own.
  • Here are some character descriptors (adjectives describing people) to get you started!
  • Share 'em! (sticky notes on board)
  • Word Cells List #5: Vocabulary Activity & Neologolusion (4 New Words)
  • Prefix + Word Cell + Suffix = New Word
    This assignment will be picked up next week before the quiz!
  • Reminders
    • Semester ends next week!
    • Finish books/Update Shelfari shelf by January 11th!
    • Writing Notebook will be scored one more time!
    • Extra Credit essays due next Monday!
    • Persuasive Essay due on the last day of the term! (Details next time!)
    • One more Word Cells Quiz! (Next week!)
    • Three or four more assignments!
    • Bring a Reading Book on Friday!

Wednesday, January 5: A (Ms. Esplin's in da House!)
Thursday, January 6: B (Davis Reads)

  • Persuasive Writing: Analyzing an Argument
    • Review Elements of Argument/Persuasion (pp. 308-309, MPT)
    • Read "A Defense of the Jury System" (pp. 310-311, MPT)
    • Complete "Test Practice" (p. 312) in Writing Notebook
  • Persuasive Writing Assignment (pp. 320-324, MPT)
    • Persuasive Writing Notes (Handout): Ninth graders should know this stuff and be able to do it on demand. This is a review/reminder only, not new information. Don't lose this handout!
    • Assignment: Write a persuasive essay on a topic about which you have a strong opinion. (This will not be due until next week, but it is what we are working toward.)
    • Step #1: Select an issue you care about. Having trouble? Here are some possibilities.
    • Step #2: Write an opinion statement (see p. 320, MPT)
    • Step #3: Check your opinion statement with teacher
    • Step #4: Complete the Persuasive Writing Prewrite (due next time!)
  • Bring your completed assignment and a reading book next time!

Friday, January 7: A (Bring a Reading Book!)

  • Planning the Draft due now!
  • Journal #4: Write a restaurant review about a restaurant you especially like or dislike. (Use powerful Voice and Word Choice to persuade us!)
  • Grammar Punk: Semicolon
    • Semicolon Rule #1: Use a semicolon to join independent clauses.
      Example: Swimming is my favorite exercise; it doesn't make me sweat.
    • Semicolon Rule #2: Use a semicolon before an independent marker that connects independent clauses.
      Example: I went to the swimming pool; however, I did not swim very far.
  • Continue Persuasive Writing Assignment
    • Use the Planning the Draft worsheet to write a first draft of your persuasive essay
    • For next time, have one of your parents review your draft using the Editor's Checklist.
    • One other thing about that checklist: You have it well in advance! There is no excuse for not knowing how these papers will be scored. These are the things you should check for in your final draft, which we will type in the computer lab next time. Do not wait until the last minute! You've been warned! Don't say I didn't tell you!
  • Final 45 Minutes of Class Time: You may read or write silently.
  • Reminders for Next Time: The End is Near!

January 10-14, 2011

Monday, January 10: B

  • Planning the Draft due now!
  • Journal #4: Write a restaurant review about a restaurant you especially like or dislike. (Use powerful Voice and Word Choice to persuade us!)
  • Grammar Punk: Semicolon
    • Semicolon Rule #1: Use a semicolon to join independent clauses.
      Example: Swimming is my favorite exercise; it doesn't make me sweat.
    • Semicolon Rule #2: Use a semicolon before an independent marker that connects independent clauses.
      Example: I went to the swimming pool; however, I did not swim very far.
  • Continue Persuasive Writing Assignment
    • Use the Planning the Draft worsheet to write a first draft of your persuasive essay
    • For next time, have one of your parents review your draft using the Editor's Checklist.
    • One other thing about that checklist: You have it well in advance! There is no excuse for not knowing how these papers will be scored. These are the things you should check for in your final draft, which we will type in the computer lab next time. Do not wait until the last minute! You've been warned! Don't say I didn't tell you!
  • Final 45 Minutes of Class Time: You may read or write silently.
  • Reminders for Next Time: The End is Near!

Tuesday, January 11: A
Wednesday, January 12: B

Thursday, January 13: A
Friday, January 14: B

  • Last Day of the Semester: Extra Credit due now!
  • Turn in Persuasive Paper
  • Witing Notebook Assignment: Letter to the Future (Part 1): Write a letter to your (future) self as you will be during the last week of this school year. Ask yourself if you accomplished your goals for the last semester of junior high (and name the goals specifically in the process). Amuse yourself. Congratulate yourself for a job well done. (150+)
  • Writing Notebook Evaluation
  • Get Out!
  • Grade Conferences/Final Book Talks
  • See you next semester!

"Did I miss anything?" This is the most annoying question students who have been absent can ask. My usual sarcastic reply is something like this: "Oh, heck no! We knew you were gone, so we just sat around all day and looked at each other. You don't really think I'm going to assign work on a day you're not here, do you?" So, in order to keep everyone (students and their parents) apprised of what exactly is going on each day in class, I am going to put it here. Check back often!

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