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October 30-November 3, 2006

Monday, October 30

  • "Quality Teaching" Day: No School for Students

Tuesday, October 31: First Day of the Second Term

  • Journal #1: What are you going to be for Halloween? Will you be Trick-or-Treating? Why or why not? Discuss your thoughts on being someone (or something) different for a day. (90+ words)
  • Return Character Sketches: Fragments and Run-ons and Splices, oh my!
  • Flash Presentation: What is a Sentence?
  • A Little Halloween Fun: "The Ravine"
  • Hall Passes, Idependent Reading Contracts, etc.
  • A Shakespearean Poem for James Hoang and Others Like Him

Wednesday, November 1
Student of the Month: Marilee Mollinet!

  • Journal #2: The second term is now underway. What did you learn during the first term that you didn't know when school started? What worked well for you and what are you going to do differently this term? (90+ words)
  • Greek and Latin Word "Cells": List #1 (Quiz: November 9th)
  • "Cells" Dictionary Activity (due Friday)

Thursday, November 2

  • Journal #3: If you were the "god/goddess" of something, what would it be? Which aspect of the world or of human life would you like to control? Why? What would your symbol be? What would you wear? How would all of us mere mortals recognize your work? Explain. Discuss. Elaborate. Pontificate. (100 + words)
  • The Mythology Grid
  • Meet the Olympians: Video

Friday, November 3

November 6-10, 2006

Monday, November 6

  • Journal #4: Editing Activity: Conventions of Writing
  • Return Dictionary Assignment/Review Cells List #1 (Quiz Thursday)
  • Why Mythology? Identify Thesis and Main Points in Essay
  • Introduction to the Mythology Project: Topic Assignments
  • ***

Tuesday, November 7: Computer Lab 137

Wednesday, November 8: Computer Lab 137

  • Research for Mythology Project
  • How to find/save/import graphics for PowerPoint shows
    (You must include source information from web sites where you get pictures!)
  • Citation Machine: Works Cited Made Easy!
  • PowerPoint Overview: How to Make a Presentation
  • Don't forget to study Word Cells List #1: Quiz Tomorrow!

Thursday, November 9

  • Quiz: Greek and Latin Word "Cells" List #1
  • Journal #5: What is a hero? What qualities are heroic? Who is your hero? Why? Discuss and give examples.
  • Epic and Myth: Values Then and Now (MPT, pp. 639-641)
  • The Ancient Greek Concept of a Hero

Friday, November 10

  • Journal #6: Copy the poem called "Ithaca" into your journal.
    (Massive Purple Text, page 711.)
  • Greek and Latin Word "Cells": List #2
  • Epic and Myth: Background for The Odyssey (MPT, pp. 641-643)

November 13-17, 2006

Monday, November 13

  • Journal #7: Summarize the story of the mythological character/topic you will share with the class in your presentation next week. (80+ words)
  • Background of The Odyssey: The Trojan War (Take notes!)
  • Epic and Myth: Background for The Odyssey (MPT, pp. 643-645)
  • Create Essential Questions for Mythology Research Paper:
    • Why is ______________ a significant figure in Greek Mythology?
    • How do we see the personality/influence of ___________ in modern culture/literature/entertainment?
    • How is the story of _____________ similar to other myths or familiar stories?
    • How does the story of ____________ illustrate similarities and/or differences between classical mythology and modern religion?
    • How does the story of ____________ illustrate the similarities and/or differences of people in ancient Greece and in modern America?
  • ***

Tuesday, November 14: Computer Lab 137

Wednesday, November 15

  • Begin The Odyssey: Calypso, The Sweet Nymph (pp. 651-654)
  • Journal #8: Listen to the song "Calypso" by Suzanne Vega (lyrics on page 655). What is the tone of the song? Does it help you understand the story? What does it tell you that the song was inspired by a story that is more than 3000 years old? What timeless themes are addressed? (90+ words)
  • The Odyssey: I am Laertes' Son, The Lotus Eaters (pp. 655-659)
  • Essential Questions: Write 'em now!
  • ***

Thursday, November 16

Friday, November 17: Computer Lab 137

November 20-24, 2006

Monday, November 20

Tuesday, November 21

Wednesday, November 22

  • Thanksgiving Recess: No School

Thursday, November 23

  • Thanksgiving Recess: No School

Friday, November 24

  • Thanksgiving Recess: No School

November 27-December 1, 2006

Monday, November 27

  • Finish Mythology Presentations
  • Review Heroes & Other Significant Characters of Mythology
  • Greek and Latin Word "Cells": List #3
  • Journal #10: How do you feel about "group projects" in school? Why? (80+)
  • The Odyssey: Class Presentations Assignment (Group Assignments)
  • ***

    Tuesday, November 28: Computer Lab 137

    Wednesday, November 29

    Thursday, November 30: Research Paper Due!

    • The Odyssey: Groups 1-3 Present Today

    Friday, December 1: Midterm

    December 4-8, 2006

    Monday, December 4

    • New Seats: First Come, First Served
    • Finish The Odyssey Presentations: "Death in the Hall" + Group 8
    • Last Day for Other Mythology Presentations
    • Odyssey Review: Multiple Choice "Quiz" (Open book)
    • Greek and Latin Word "Cells": List #4

    Tuesday, December 5

    • The Odyssey: The Movie

    Wednesday, December 6

    • The Odyssey: The Movie

    Thursday, December 7: Parent-Teacher Conferences (3:45-7:15 P.M.)

    • Final Mythology Test

    Friday, December 8

    December 11-16, 2006

    Monday, December 11

    • Greek and Latin Word "Cells": List #5
    • The Odyssey: The Movie

    Tuesday, December 12

    • Finish The Odyssey (finally!)
    • Score/Revise Review Quiz (from last Monday)
    • Journal #1: Did watching the movie of The Odyssey help you understand the poem? Why or why not? Do you think movies are ever a valuable way to spend class time? Are they always "educational"? Discuss. (90+)

    Wednesday, December 13

    • The Day of the Hero
    • MPT: 718-725
    • Journal #2: Answer (in writing) the Questions on page 724 of the Massive Purple Text.
    • Assignment: Worksheet/Quiz on Readings

    Thursday, December 14

    • "Nobody's Hero": In-Class Assignment
      • According to the lyrics, what are the heroic qualities?
      • What sorts of people are not heroes?
      • Why are the characters whose deaths cause a shadow to cross the narrator's heart "nobody's heroes"?
      • Why are the characters that the narrator describes as not heroic also called "nobody's heroes"?
      • What statement does the song make about society and our choice of heroes?
    • Journal #3: After analyzing the song "Nobody's Hero," go back and read what you wrote in your journal on November 9. Compare the song's definition of a hero to your own. (100+)
    • Return Quiz from Yesterday: Begin the "Cube"

    Friday, December 15

    • Quiz: Greek and Latin Word "Cells" List #5
    • Persuasive Writing: Cause/Effect (MPT: pp.734-741)
    • Complete "The Cube"
    • Journal #4: List some things about the school, society, or the world that need to be changed and explain why.

    December 18-22, 2006

    Monday, December 18: A.M. Assembly

    • Journal #5: If you could save only one of your personal possessions from some disaster, which item would you save? Why? Describe your most cherished possession and the reasons it is valuable to you. (90+)
    • Short Fiction: "Gift of the Magi" + In-class Assignment

    Tuesday, December 19

    • Short Fiction: "A Christmas Memory"
    • Journal #6: What is your most treasured holiday memory? Describe the scene. Tell the story. (100+)

    Wednesday, December 20

    • The Color Code: Finding Your Voice
    • Journal #7: What are your plans for the holiday break? (100+)

    Thursday, December 21

  • Winter Recess: No School
  • Friday, December 22

    • Winter Recess: No School

    January 1-5, 2007

    Monday, January 1

    • New Year's Day: No School

    Tuesday, January 2

    • Welcome 2007!
    • Journal #8: New Year's Resolutions: What will you do differently in 2007? Where do you hope to be by this time next year? Set some goals. (100+)
    • Greek and Latin Word "Cells": The CRT Review List (Big Test: 1/9/07)
    • The "Color Code" Poetry Assignment: Final Decorated Draft due Friday

    Wednesday, January 3: Chloe Rice -- English Student of the Month!

    • Journal #9: What is your favorite restaurant? Why? Describe the experience of eating a meal there. What is the atmosphere like? The decor? Oh, and don't forget the food: Why is it so good? Be as descriptive as you can. Make my mouth water. (100+)
    • Voice Handout/Notes: Never Lose!
    • Analyze Examples: Restaurant Reviews
    • Now write about your worst experience at a restaurant; focus on developing your writing "voice." Make me feel your pain. (in journal)

    Thursday, January 4

    Friday, January 5

    • Final Draft of Color Code Poem Due
    • Voice and Word Choice in Context: Annotated Examples
    • Assignment: "Get Out!" (in journal)
    • Score Journals

    January 8-12, 2007

    Monday, January 8

    • Journal #1: Copy "The Road Not Taken" (page 315) into your journal.
      What is symbolized by the woods? The roads?
      What statement does the poem make about choices?
    • "The Lady or the Tiger?"
    • Assignment: Is the king's system of perfect justice a good one? Why or why not? (in journal)

    Tuesday, January 9

    • The Gigantic All-Inclusive Word "Cell" Test (100+ words)
    • Silent Reading/AR Testing

    Wednesday, January 10

    • Journal #2: Proofreading Transparency #2
    • Review Word Cells Exam
    • Evaluating Arguments: "In Defense of the Jury System" (pp. 308-311)
    • Test Practice (pp. 312 & 313) -- in journal
    • Persuasive Writing: Pages 320-327 in Massive Purple Text

    Thursday, January 11: Independent Reading Points Due!

    • Journal #3: Write a letter to your (future) self as you will be during the last week of this school year. Ask yourself if you accomplished your goals for the last semester of junior high (and name the goals specifically in the process.). Amuse yourself. Congratulate yourself for a job well done. (100+)
    • Persuasive Writing: Pages 320-327 in Massive Purple Text
    • Opinion Statements: Select one of your own!
      (Check the journal entry from 12/15/06 for ideas.)

    Friday, January 12: Last Day of Semester

    • Extra Credit/All Late Work due now!
    • Book Walk: What is this Massive Purple Text, anyway?
    • Final Term Grades

    January 15-19, 2007

    Monday, January 15: Martin Luther King, Jr. Holiday

    • No School

    Tuesday, January 16: "Quality Teaching Day"

    • No School for Students

    Wednesday, January 17: Third Term Begins

    • New Classes, New Seats, New Assignments
    • Journal #4
    • "The Right to Privacy"? Think again....

    Thursday, January 18

    Friday, January 19

    "Did I miss anything?" This is the most annoying question students who have been absent can ask. My usual sarcastic reply is something like this: "Oh, heck no! We knew you were gone, so we just sat around all day and looked at each other. You don't really think I'm going to assign work on a day you're not here, do you?" So, in order to keep everyone (students and their parents) apprised of what exactly is going on each day in class, I am going to put it here. Check back often!

    We have made every reasonable attempt to insure that our web pages are educationally sound and do not contain links to any questionable material or anything that can be deemed in violation of the DSD Acceptable Use Policy. We have also made every effort to insure that our web pages are free of personality, character, or any other small uniqueness that students might enjoy.
    This page is maintained according to the DSD Internet Publishing Guidelines by FFJH Webmasters.

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