wolfman.englishteacher@gmail.com |
Grades/HomeworkEnglish 9 CalendarHonors 9 CalendarThompson's TextGrammar Punk PacketWord Cell ArchiveThe BinderPut a Book on TrialBook Review/Test OutlineEnglish 9 DisclosureHonors 9 DisclosureClass Page on FBRoom 198
That's all, folks!From now on, contact info is as follows: wolfman.englishteacher@gmail.com Facebook: Wolfman Thompson Twitter: @ThompsonWolfman Instagram: @thompsonwolfman I gave away a lot of stuff from the classroom. If you got a piece of it, take a selfie that shows where it ended up. Send it to me, or post it on Instagram with the hashtag #classroomthompson. I told you I'd do it! Click here to read the whole story! Read. Write. Repeat.