January 15-19, 2007: Third Term Begins!
Monday, January 15
- Human Rights Day
- Thank you, Dr. King!
(And not just for the day off!)
Tuesday, January 16
Wednesday, January 17: Welcome to the Third Term!
- New Classes/New Seats
- Hall Passes/AR Contracts
- The Vocabulary of Persuasion: Take Notes!
(And don't lose 'em!)
- Journal #4: "The Right to Privacy"
Write a response to Betsy Hart. Maintain appropriate voice, a clear
sense of purpose, and effective word choice for this audience. (100+)
Thursday, January 18
- Journal #5: TV Survey
- "The Trouble With Television": Evaluate the Argument
- So, what's your thesis?
- Homework: Decide on your opinion statement for your own persuasive
Friday, January 19
- Submit Opinion Statement
- Weekly Vocabulary List #1: gallant, animosity, spangled, facilitate,
banner, rampart, peril, raucous, misconstrue, patriotism
- Vocabulary Worksheet
(You'll want a dictionary
for this assignment!)
January 22-26, 2007
Monday, January 22
- Journal #6: "The Star-Spangled Banner"
Calculate the number of times you have heard America's national anthem
in your life. Show your work. Circle the total.
(Now write down the lyrics from memory.)
- Persuasive Writing Step 2: Reasons that
Support Your Opinion Statement
- Massive Purple Text: pp. 321 & 322
- Outline Persuasive Essay:
Due Thursday
Tuesday, January 23
- Journal #7: "Honesty is the best policy." Is this always
true? Are there times when lying serves a greater good? What is your
personal philosophy on lying? Relate an example from your own experience
that illustrates this philosophy.
- Begin Nothing But the Truth: 1-23
Wednesday, January 24
"...students today are not what
they used to be. There is no love of literature...Young people
don't read at all today -- outside of school requirements. They
come to literature reluctantly at best, fighting me every inch
of the way. It's not as if they aren't bright. They are. And I
like them and their capacity for independence. But the other side
of that independence is a lack of caring for anything beyond themselves."
--Miss Narwin, Nothing But the Truth (p. 8)
The man who doesn't read good books has no advantage over the
man who can't read them.
--Mark Twain (1835-1910) |
- Journal #8: Copy these quotations into your journal. Is Miss Narwin
correct about most of today's teenagers? Why or why not? Are you a typical
teen in this respect? Do you see any danger for a culture that doesn't
read? Discuss. (100+)
- Nothing But the Truth: 24-49
- Journal #9: Thompson's Got Video! (The coolest drum solo in the world!)
Neil Peart, the best at what he does, still practices daily and has
a drum teacher. What does that tell you about the quest for perfection
of a craft? What skill do you hope to be able to master to such a degree,
and how do you plan to achieve mastery? (100+)
- Weekly Vocabulary Quiz #1
- Nothing But the Truth: 49-64
- Nothing But the Truth: 64-99
January 29- February 2, 2007
Monday, January 29
- Journal #10: "Our society is always asking schools to do what
is not done at home." --Miss Narwin (p. 90)
Is this true? Consider the many
things schools are expected
to do today. Is Miss Narwin correct? Why or why not? Do schools
take on too much responsibility? Discuss.
- Vocabulary List #2 Dictionary Assignment:
Due Thursday!
abash, absolve, abstain, acclaim, acute,
addict, admonish, adverse, advocate, agitate
(Words were defined in class...by the teacher!)
- Helpful Link: Dictionary.com
- Nothing But the Truth: 99-120
Tuesday, January 30: Computer Lab 137
- Typed draft of persuasive essay due
- Don't forget to address the counterclaims!
- Research to find supporting evidence, statistics,
expert opinions.
- Web Page Validity
Check: Make sure you are looking at legitimate and correct sources.
- Citation
Machine: Cite your sources & save the source info!
Wednesday, January 31
- Journal #11: Identify biased statements (and explain why each is biased)
in the articles about Philip Malloy on pages 113 & 121.
- Nothing But the Truth: 121-150
Thursday, February 1: Vocabulary List #2 Assignment
- Nothing But the Truth: 151-186
- Test on Novel: Character Values Chart &
Your Verdict
(This needs to be done carefully and completely. Follow all instructions!)
The test is due Tuesday, February 6th!
Friday, February 2: First Draft of Persuasive
Essay due!
February 5-9, 2007
Monday, Februrary 5
Tuesday, February 6: Nothing But the Truth Test Due!
- Journal #13: Elements of the Persuasive Essay Quiz (Read sample essay
and answer 10 multiple-choice questions.)
- Persuasive Rubric/Editor
Checklist : Compare to Six Traits
- What does it mean to revise? (More than just print again!)
- Final Suggestions for Persuasive Essays
Wednesday, February 7: Computer Lab 137
Thursday, February 8
Friday, February 9: Persuasive Essay Final Draft due!
- Turn in Persuasive Essay and Editor
Checklist with signature!
- Finish & turn in Vocabulary Assignment #3 (from yesterday)
- Spring Pictures: During English Classes (Wow! Disastrous on So Many
February 12-16, 2007
Monday, Februrary 12
- Journal #14: Proofreading Transparency #3
- Finish/Turn in Vocabulary #3 Sentences from last week (This time I
mean it!)
- Grammar Rock / Notes:
Tuesday, February 13: Computer Lab 137
Wednesday, February 14: Valentine Dance (Friday Schedule)
- Finish Grammar Rock / Notes:
- Parts of Speech Review/Quiz (Use notes!)
Thursday, February 15: Midterm
- Journal #1: Copy "George
Gray" onto the next blank page in your journal. Space and punctuate
- Sentence
Fluency: Handout
- Word Choice/Fluency Worksheet
Friday, February 16
- Journal #2: Rewrite this
to improve sentence fluency.
- Word Choice/Fluency Worksheet: Finish "Working With Words"
February 19-23, 2007: Esteem and Dream Week
Monday, Februrary 19
- Presidents' Day: No School
Tuesday, February 20: The Only "Normal" Day This Week
- Journal #3: Two (Related?) Poems
- Vocabulary List #4: barbarism, benevolence,
caliber, callous, candid, civil, collaborate, commendable, compliance,
- Conventions:
- Capitalization Standards: Know them!
- Word Choice/Fluency Worksheet: Finish "Working With Words"
Wednesday, February 21: Reality Town/Resumés
- 6th & 7th periods only
- Journal #3 1/2: Evaluate the day's activities. (90+)
- "Working With Words": Rewrite 5 Bubba Sentences to improve
- Sentence Combining Review 1-10
Thursday, February 22: Seminar Day & P.T. Conferences
- 30-minute classes (all of 'em)
- 2nd-5th:
- "Working With Words": Rewrite 5 Bubba Sentences to improve
- Sentence Combining Review 1-10
- 6th & 7th:
- Vocabulary List #4: Finish worksheet
- Continue Sentence Combining Review
Friday, February 23: Talent Assembly
- 2nd (1+ hour)
- Journal #3 1/2: Evaluate this week's activities. (90+)
- Punctuation Standards
- Finish Sentence Combining Review
- 3rd-7th (25 minutes each)
February 26-March
2, 2007
Monday, Februrary 26
- State-Mandated Writing Exam
- Bring a Pencil!
Wednesday, Februrary 28
- Finish/Make-up DWA
- Journal #5: "Loud
Music" or "Elevator Music"?
- Mock Job Interview Prep: Applications/Resumés/Folders
(Any changes due back to me by Monday!)
- Spoon River Anthology:
Introduction & Terms
- Epitaphs:
Voices from Beyond the Grave
- "The Hill"
+ Study Questions (due tomorrow)
Thursday, March 1
- New Seats: Choose Your Own...But Choose Wisely!
(Your Citizenship Grade May Depend On It!)
- Spoon River Anthology:
The Rhodes Affair
- Journal #6: Read these poems to learn "the whole story."
On a fresh page in your journal, summarize the story. Briefly describe
each character involved, paying particular attention to the voice (tone)
conveyed by the epitaph. (This will be much longer than a regular journal
and will be worth considerably more.)
Friday, March 2: Happy Birthday, Dr. Seuss!
March 5-9, 2007
Monday, March 5
Tuesday, March 6: Mock Job Interviews
- Look sharp!
- 5th Period will interview during other periods (and then watch a movie
during class!)
- If you missed your interview, see Mrs. Cash for information on how
to make it up. Yes, it is an assignment!
Wednesday, March 7: Computer Lab 137
The end of the term approaches, and many of you
still have no Independent Reading points.
Is it time for some extra credit?
Option 1: On a nice card (or stationery) with matching envelope,
write a polite thank-you note to the person who interviewed you
yesterday. Here is how to do it!
Bring the letter, the envelope, and a postage stamp on Friday. (Don't
seal the letter in the envelope until after I see it.) I will make
sure it gets mailed to the correct address. Easy extra credit
points just for doing the right thing!
Option 2: Enter the school poetry contest. See me for details and
entry forms. Poems due on March 15. |
Thursday, March 8: Computer Lab 137
- 2nd Period: High School Counselors' Visit
- Computer Lab: VOSR Game
Friday, March 9: Last Day to Conference on Book Reports
March 12-16, 2007
Monday, March 12
- Journal #8: What did you think of the game? Do you think it helped
you understand the epitaphs? Are you a "gamer"? Can a game
be both fun and educational? Discuss the link between learning and enjoyment.
- Vocabulary List #5: culminate, cynic, deduce, denounce, digress, discord,
discriminate, dissent, docile, elite
- Final Review Spoon River Terms:
Judge Somers, Chase
Henry, Editor Whedon,
Carl Hamblin, The
Town Marshal, Jack
McGuire, Ollie McGee,
Fletcher McGee, Cooney
Potter, Fiddler Jones
Tuesday, March 13
- Final Test (multiple-choice) on Spoon River Anthology
Wednesday, March 14: Reading Points due!
- Write poetic epitaphs of two literary characters!
- Turn in "The Hill" Study Questions & one completed epitaph
at the end of class!
Thursday, March 15: Turn in Extra Credit!
- Journal #1: On the next blank page in your journal, write your own
poetic epitaph. Include at least one metaphor and some parallel
- Vocabulary #5 Assignment: culminate,
cynic, deduce, denounce, digress, discord, discriminate, dissent, docile,
- Final Third Term Grade Conferences
Friday, March 16: End of Third Term
I miss anything?" This is the most annoying question students who have
been absent can ask. My usual sarcastic reply is something like this: "Oh,
heck no! We knew you were gone, so we just sat around all day and looked
at each other. You don't really think I'm going to assign work on a day
you're not here, do you?" So, in order to keep everyone (students
and their parents) apprised of what exactly is going on each day in class,
I am going to put it here. Check back often! We
have made every reasonable attempt to insure that our web pages are educationally
sound and do not contain links to any questionable material or anything
that can be deemed in violation of the DSD
Acceptable Use Policy. We have also made every effort to insure that
our web pages are free of personality, character, or any other small uniqueness
that students might enjoy.
This page is maintained according to the DSD
Internet Publishing Guidelines by FFJH
©2007 Michael Thompson - All rights reserved.
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