The Writing Process


            1.  Prewriting

·        Select a topic and narrow it.

·        Decide on your purpose and audience.

·        Gather details to help you develop your topic.

·        Organize and strengthen your list of details.


            2.  Writing

·        With your purpose and audience in mind, begin to write.

·        Do not be concerned with grammar or mechanics yet; just write.


            3.  Responding

·        Share your writing with others and learn from their comments and suggestions.


            4.  Revising

            Ask yourself these questions about your writing:

·        Did I stick to my topic?

·        Does my writing have unity? (Does each sentence relate to those around it and to the main idea?)

·        Have I included all the important details?

·        Do I have strong and interesting topic sentences?

·        Do the ideas flow smoothly?  (Is it easy to read aloud?)

·        Are the ideas in a logical order?

·        Is the language vivid and precise?  (Will the reader know exactly what I mean?)

·        Have I accomplished my purpose?


            5.  Editing

·        Correct all mistakes in grammar, usage, capitalization, punctuation, and spelling.

·        Replace vague words and phrases with precise words.


            6. Evaluating

·        Judge the quality of the work.

·        Share it with others.

·        Submit it to your teacher.

·        Publish it.



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