Research Paper: The Steps to Success

I. The Proposal

A. Select a topic and be sure there is enough information available about that topic.
B. Write a paragraph explaining why you would like to research this topic.
C. Write ten questions you want to answer in the course of your research.  (Do not write yes/no questions or questions that require only short answers.  You will need enough information to write a lengthy research paper, so you need a lot of notes.)
D. On a separate sheet of paper titled "Works Cited" write, in MLA format, at least five sources you will use in your research.  Use no more than one encyclopedia and at least one Internet source.

 II. Notes

A. You will need 3"x5" source cards and 4"x6" note cards.
B. You must have at least _____source cards and at least _____ note cards.
C. Do not simply copy information onto the note cards. Paraphrase and summarize.  If you want to include an especially good quote, use quotation marks properly.
D. Follow the instructions on the next two pages for source cards and note cards.

III. Outline

Organize your cards and create an outline. Hand it in.

IV. Rough Draft

Turn your outline into a written draft. Include parenthetical documentation. Double space; this leaves room for editing and revision.

V. Revision and Editing

Read your own paper. Look for any mistakes in usage, punctuation, spelling, and capitalization. Also examine your draft for necessary changes in content or structure. Then have your parents and peers proofread the paper. Talk to them about changes you need to make, and have them sign the form indicating that your paper was proofread.

VI. Works Cited

Organize your sources. Follow the proper format for a Works Cited page.


Should include:

·        Title Page -- Title of Paper, Name, Date, Period, (Centered)

·        At least _____ examples of parenthetical documentation (MLA style)

·        At least _____ words

·        Works Cited page with at least five sources (no more than one encyclopedia and at least one electronic source

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