Ninth Grade English: Vocabulary Lists
(All lists come from the short fiction unit.)

List #1

exuberant (adj.) elaborate; extreme; high-spirited
genial (adj.) cheerful and friendly
impartial (adj.) fair; unbiased
allegiance (n.) loyalty
procured (v.) obtained
dire (adj.) terrible
retribution (n.) punishment
fervent (adj.) passionate
aspiring (v./adj.) desiring; seeking to gain
deliberation (n.) careful thought in making a decision

List #2

receding (v./adj.) becoming more distant
disarming (v./adj.) lessening suspicions or fears
prolonged (v./adj.) extended
imprudent (adj.) unwise
surmounted (v.) overcame
unruffled (adj.) calm; not disturbed
invariably (adv.) always; without changing
diverting (v./adj.) entertaining
impulse (n.) sudden desire to do something
protruding (v./adj.) sticking out

List #3

embodies (v.) conveys the impression of; represents
odyssey (n.) extended journey marked by adventure and many changes in fortune
litany (n.) repetitive prayer or recitation
incantation (n.) chant of words or phrases intended to produce a magical result
stifled (v./adj.) smothered
scourge (n.) cause of great suffering or serious trouble
polytheism (n.) belief in more than one god
ramparts (n.) broad embankments surrounding a castle to guard against attack
supplication (n.) humble plea or request
enunciate (v.) pronounce carefully; articulate

List #4

precipitous (adj.) very steep
acquiesced (v.) accepted; complied with
marauders (n.) people who roam in search of loot or goods to steal
exasperation (n.) great annoyance
pious (adj.) showing religious devotion
retorted (v.) replied sharply
condolences (n.) expressions of sympathy
languor (n.) weakness; weariness
reconciliation (n.) friendly end to a quarrel
succor (n.) help given to someone in distress; relief

List #5

incessantly (adv.) constantly; continually
disconsolate (adj.) very unhappy; causing sadness or depression
vexation (n.) distress; confusion; disturbance
pauper (n.) very poor person
adulation (n.) intense admiration or praise
aghast (adj.) horrified
privations (n.) hardships; lack of things needed for a happy, healthy life
exorbitant (adj.) much too high in price or amount
beleaguered (v./adj.) surrounded; under attack
ascetic (adj.) severe; very self-disciplined

List #6

fanatic (n.) person whose extreme devotion to a cause is excessive or unreasonable
ruse (n.) trick; ploy
silhouetted (v./adj.) outlined
remorse (n.) deep guilt
sullenly (adv.) resentfully; gloomily
imminent (adj.) about to happen; near
iridescent (adj.) rainbow-like; displaying a shifting range of colors
serene (adj.) peaceful; calm
infallibility (n.) inability to make a mistake
blighted (v./adj.) suffering from conditions that destroy or prevent growth

List #7

doggedness (n.) stubbornness; persistence
reiterated (v.) repeated
precariously (adv.) unsteadily; insecurely
mar (v.) damage; spoil
annihilate (v.) destroy; wipe out
expendable (adj.) worth sacrificing to gain an objective
paradox (n.) something that has contradictory qualities
delirium (n.) extreme mental disturbance, often accompanied by hallucinations
primeval (adj.) primitive; of the earliest times
subliminal (adj.) below the level of awareness

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