Fahrenheit 451
Essay #1
The Happiness Boys

According to Beatty’s lecture (pp. 53-63) what constitutes “happiness”? Does Beatty define happiness in terms that reflect modern American society? Explain your answer by offering specific examples from our world (and quotations from the book) to prove or disprove Beatty’s lecture.

Consider the following:

1. Which is more difficult? _____likeness _____difference


2. What costs more? _____pleasure _____pain


3. Which is heavier? _____discipline _____freedom


4. What is more exhausting? _____knowing all the answers _____knowing none of the answers


5. What is more comfortable? _____equality _____difference


6. Which creates the greatest problems?_____happiness_____pain


7. Which is weaker? _____strength in numbers _____individual strength


Is happiness the same as fun?

Is happiness the same as keeping busy?

Essay #2 & Essay #3

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