November 5-9, 2007: Esteem & Dream Week
Monday, November 5
- "Quality Teaching" Day: No School for Students
Tuesday, November 6
- Journal #4: The second term is now underway. What did you learn during
the first term that you didn't know when school started? What worked
well for you and what are you going to do differently this term? (90+
- Hall Passes, Idependent Reading Contracts, etc.
- Finish Mythology Presentations
- Begin Research Paper:
Essential Questions/Thesis
Statements & Areas of Focus (Refer to Mythology
Research Worksheet for ideas.)
Wednesday, November 7: Reality Town
- All 9th Graders: Employment Skills Seminar (8:45 A.M. - 12:35 P.M.)
- 6th & 7th periods only: Journal -- How was the employment skills
- Finish Mythology Presentations
Thursday, November 8: Seminar Day (30-minute classes)
- Journal: Most of you have been through it three times now. What do
you think of Seminar Day? Why? Give examples of the best and worst of
Seminar Day. (90+)
- 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 6th, 7th: Grammar Punk
- 5th: Finish Mythology Presentations
- Begin Research Paper:
Essential Questions/Thesis
Statements & Areas of Focus (Refer to Mythology
Research Worksheet for ideas.)
- How is this different than the character sketch? It is informative
rather than descriptive. You are sythesizing information and proving
a point.
Friday, November 9
- Journal: Copy this into your journal in your neatest handwriting:
"The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog." Describe your
handwriting? Do you think it is a reflection of your abilities or intelligence?
Is handwriting important in a world in which keyboards and keypads seem
to be the predominant forms of text generation? What good does it do
to have legible or very fancy handwriting? Discuss handwriting. (90+)
- Review Heroes & Other Significant Characters
of Mythology (Add those you don't yet have to your notes!)
- Finish Mythology Grid: Keep it with all
other mythology notes!
(You can use them all on the final mythology exam! You'd be an idiot
to lose them!)
November 12-16, 2007
Monday, November 12
Tuesday, November 13: Computer Lab 137
- Research & Writing: Research
Paper: Answering the Essential Question
- Use Citation Machine!
- Capitalize Works Cited Entries Correctly!
- Google is not a source; it's a search engine to find sources!
Wednesday, November 14: Computer Lab 137
- Draft Research Paper:
Task List
- Write (type) research paper first draft organzied in the standard
- Intro Paragraph captures attention, retells (briefly) your myth,
and states thesis
statement (i.e., the answer to your essential
- Body Paragraphs contain clear topic sentences and supporting details
and examples to prove your thesis statement.
- Conclusion Paragraph restates thesis and main points, concludes
with a memorable final sentence.
- Title your paper following this format: Topic: Descriptive
phrase (not a complete sentence)
Example: Orpheus: Downfallen Lover
- Save and print research paper draft.
- Update Works Cited Page to include all the sources you've used.
- Save and print Works Cited Page.
- Turn them in.
Thursday, November 15
- Epic and Myth: Background for The Odyssey (MPT, pp. 643-645)
- Begin The Odyssey: Calypso, The Sweet Nymph (pp. 651-654)
Journal: Listen to the song "Calypso" by Suzanne Vega (lyrics
on page 655). What is the tone of the song? Does it help you understand
the story? What does it tell you that the song was inspired by a story
that is more than 3000 years old? What timeless themes are addressed?
(90+ words)
The Odyssey: I am Laertes' Son, The Lotus Eaters (pp. 655-659)
Friday, November 16
- Quiz: Word "Cells"
List #3
- Journal: Read page 715 in The Massive Purple Text. Write suitable
descriptive epithets for ten people you know.
The Odyssey: The Cyclops (pp. 660-670)
November 19-23,
Monday, November 19: Computer Lab 138
Tuesday, November 20
- Journal: What is a hero? What qualities are heroic? Who is your hero?
Why? Discuss and give examples.(90+)
- The Odyssey: Circe the Enchantress, The Land of the Dead
- Odyssey
Passage Summaries Worksheet: The Sirens, Scylla and Charibdis (pp.
- Happy Thanksgiving!
Wednesday, November 21
- Thanksgiving Recess: No School
Thursday, November 22
- Thanksgiving Recess: No School
Friday, November 25
- Thanksgiving Recess: No School
November 26-30, 2007
Monday, November 26
Journal: Would Odysseus be a hero by today's standards? Why or why not?
Grammar Punk: Comma Rules 6 & 7
The Odyssey: The Cattle of the Sun God (pp. 684-686, end of
Part I)
Passage Summaries Worksheet: The Meeting of Father and Son
(pp. 691-694)
Tuesday, November 27
- Final Draft of Research Paper due!
- Grammar Punk: Comma Rules 8 & 9
- The Odyssey: The Beggar and the Faithful Dog (pp.694-696)
- Odyssey
Passage Summaries Worksheet: The Test of the Great Bow, Death in
the Palace (pp. 698-705)
Wednesday, November 28
- Grammar Punk: Comma Rules 10 & 11
- Finish The Odyssey: Odysseus and Penelope (pp.698-709)
- Quiz: The Odyssey Review (open book)
- Bring completed Mythology Grid & all
mythology presentation notes tomorrow!
Thursday, November 29
- Final Mythology Test (Open notes!)
- Turn in all mythology-related materials & notes.
Friday, November 30
- Grammar Punk: All Three (3) Rules for the Parentheses
- Begin Odyssey Movie & Study Guide
December 3-7, 2007
Monday, December 3
- Grammar Punk: Question Mark (?) Rule 1
- Odyssey Movie & Study Guide
Tuesday, December 4
- Grammar Punk: Question Mark (?) Rule 2
- Odyssey Movie
Wednesday, December 5
- Grammar Punk: Question Mark (?) Rule 3
- Odyssey Movie
Thursday, December 6
- Finish Odyssey Movie & Study Guide (Turn in)
- Scored Research Papers Returned
Friday, December 7
- The Day of the Hero: All of today's work is to be completed in your
journal under the heading HEROES.
- MPT: 718-725
- Answer (in writing) the Questions on page 724 of the Massive PurpleText.
- "Nobody's
Hero" Discussion Questions:
According to the lyrics, what are the heroic qualities?
What sorts of people are not heroes?
Why are the characters whose deaths cause a shadow to cross the narrator's
heart "nobody's heroes"?
Why are the characters that the narrator describes as not heroic also
called "nobody's heroes"?
What statement does the song make about society and our choice of heroes?
- Journal #1: After analyzing the song "Nobody's Hero," go
back and read what you wrote in your journal on November 20. Compare
the song's definition of a hero to your own. (100+)
December 10-14, 2007
Monday, December 10
- Journal #2 -- Copy and discuss this quote:
"If all the year were playing holidays,
To sport would be as tedious as to work."
-- Henry IV, Part 2: Act II, Scene 1
- Grammar Punk: Quotation Marks -- Rules 1-3
- Intro to The Bard: Shakespeare in the Classroom (Video)
- Greek & Latin Word Cells List #4
Tuesday, December 11
- Journal #3 -- Copy and discuss this quote:
"O, it is excellent
To have a giant's strength,
but it is tyrannous
To use it like a giant."
--Measure for Measure: Act II, Scene 2
- Grammar Punk: Semicolons -- Rules 1 & 2
- Finish Shakespeare in the Classroom (Video)
Wednesday, December 12: Comptuer Lab 137
Thursday, December 13: P-T Conferences (3:45 - 7:15 P.M.)
- Journal #4 -- Copy and discuss this quote:
"The sweetest honey
Is loathsome in his own deliciousness
And in the taste confounds the apetite."
--Romeo and Juliet: Act II, Scene 6
- Grammar Punk: Semicolons -- Rule 3
- Begin Romeo and Juliet: The
Assignment: Translate The Prologue into Modern
- Why
is Shakespeare Hard?
- Three Ways to Present The Prologue: Audio/Video
Friday, December 14
- Word Cells List #4 Quiz
- Journal #5 -- Copy and discuss this quote:
"Talkers are no good doers: be assured
We go to use our hands and not our tongues."
Richard III, Act I, Scene 3
- Shakespeare's Language: A Glossary of Common
- Begin Romeo and Juliet: Act I, Scene 1
-- Sampson & Gregory (audio)
- Write your own Shakespearean dialogue! (in journal)
December 17-21, 2007
Monday, December 17: A.M. Assembly
- Turn in Shakespeare Web Quest
- Word Cells List #5
- Journal #6 -- Copy and discuss this quote:
"The harder matched, the greater victory."
Henry VI, Part 3: Act V, Scene 1
- Shakespeare Packets: Do Not Lose Them!
- Romeo and Juliet: Act I, Scenes 1,
- Begin Romeo & Juliet Packets/Study Guides
Tuesday, December 18
Wednesday, December 19
- Romeo and Juliet: Act I, Scene
- Massive Purple Text, pp. 781-2: How to Read Shakespeare (Aloud)
- Journal #7: Copy this passage from Romeo and Juliet; count
the syllables in each line; mark the stressed and unstressed syllables.
What is this storm that blows so contrary?
Is Romeo slaughter'd and is Tybalt dead?
My dear-lov'd cousin, and my dearer lord?
Then, dreadful trumpet, sound the general doom!
For who is living if these two are gone?
Tybalt is gone, and Romeo banishèd;
Romeo that kill'd him, he is banishèd.
- R & J Memorization Assignment:
Due January 8th (Sign up ASAP!)
Thursday, December 20
- Journal #8: Within 14 lines of dialogue and two quick kisses, Romeo
and Juliet fall passionately in love. Can this actually happen? Do you
believe in "love at first sight"? Why or why not? Is there
a difference between the sort of love Romeo and Juliet seem to feel
and the kind of love that will result in a happy, long-lasting marriage?
Discuss. (90+)
- Romeo and Juliet: Act II, Scenes 1
& 2 ("The
balcony scene")
- R & J Memorization
Assignments: Get copies of your speech (written & audio)
Friday, December 21
- Word Cells List #5 Quiz
- "The Balcony Scene" -- Some ways it has been presented (Video)
- Update R & J Study Guide
- Happy Holidays!
December 31, 2007-January 4, 2008
Monday, December 31
- New Year's Eve: No School
Tuesday, January 1, 2008
- New Year's Day: No School
Wednesday, January 2
- Journal #9: What are your New Year's Resolutions? Why? (100+)
- Romeo and Juliet: Act II, Scenes 3-6
Thursday, January 3
Friday, January 4
- Romeo and Juliet: Act III, Scenes 2,
3, & 4
- Journal #10: Find and copy three lines/passages from Romeo and Juliet
that are still true or applicable to people or things in today's world.
Explain how each relates to today as well as Shakespeare's time. The
friar's long monologue in Scene 3 is a good place to look! (100+ words)
January 7-11, 2008
Monday, January 7
Tuesday, January 8
- Romeo and Juliet: Act IV, Scenes 4
& 5; Act V,
Scenes 1 & 2
- Paraphrasing & Context Clues: MPT, p. 894 (in journal)
Wednesday, January 9
Thursday, January 10: Book
reports due today!
- Present memorized passages aloud. Turn in
paraphrased version of speech.
(Review for Test)
Friday, January 11: Computer Lab 138
- Word Cells Review List Quiz
- Romeo and Juliet Final Test: AR & Literary Skills
- Lookin' for Extra Credit? One last chance: pp. 926-933 in
MPT (due 1/17)
January 14-18, 2008
Monday, January 14
- Journal #11: So, what did you think of Romeo and Juliet?
Was this your first experience with Shakespeare? Could you understand
him? Why do you think he is still a best-selling author so many years
after his death? Do you think it is at all entertaining? Educational?
Discuss. (100+)
- Romeo & Juliet in Mayberry (audio)
- A Bit of Shakespearean Humor: Romeo and Juliet Redux
- Grammar Punk -- Parts of Speech: Adjectives
- Grammar Rock: "Unpack
Your Adjectives"
Tuesday, January 15
- Grammar Punk -- Parts of Speech: Adverbs, Conjunctions
- Grammar Rock: "Lolly,
Lolly, Lolly, Get Your Adverbs Here!"
- Journal: What is your favorite restaurant? Why? Describe the experience
of eating a meal there. What is the atmosphere like? The decor? Oh,
and don't forget the food: Why is it so good? Be as descriptive as you
can. Make my mouth water. (100+)
- Voice:
Handout (Never lose!)
Wednesday, January 16: All Independent Reading Points Due!
Thursday, January 17
Friday, January 18: Last Day of the Second Term
- Journal: Write a letter to your (future) self as you will be during
the last week of this school year. Ask yourself if you accomplished
your goals for the last semester of junior high (and name the goals
specifically in the process.). Amuse yourself. Congratulate yourself
for a job well done. (100+)
- Word Choice: "Get
- Final Term Grade Conferences
"Did I miss anything?"
This is the most annoying question students who have been absent can ask.
My usual sarcastic reply is something like this: "Oh, heck no! We knew you
were gone, so we just sat around all day and looked at each other. You don't
really think I'm going to assign work on a day you're not here, do
you?" So, in order to keep everyone (students and their parents) apprised
of what exactly is going on each day in class, I am going to put it here.
Check back often! We
have made every reasonable attempt to insure that our web pages are educationally
sound and do not contain links to any questionable material or anything
that can be deemed in violation of the DSD
Acceptable Use Policy. We have also made every effort to insure that
our web pages are free of personality, character, or any other small uniqueness
that students might enjoy.
This page is maintained according to the DSD
Internet Publishing Guidelines by FFJH
©2008 Michael Thompson - All rights reserved.
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